Thursday, October 29, 2009

7 Proven Steps to Losing 10 Lbs Fast

If you want to lose 10 pounds really fast -- but also in a healthy, safe way -- just follow these 10 proven steps...

1. Write down your goal on a note card, including the goal completion date, and review it several times per day. Do your best to focus your thoughts and energy on reaching that goal as much as possible.

2. Spend time each and every morning (at least 5 minutes) visualizing yourself after having lost 10 pounds of pure fat and looking and feeling incredible! Also start a fitness log/journal where you write down everything you do to reach your goal of losing ten pounds quickly. Review and add to it every night.

3. Cover the energy basics: Get at least 7-8 hours of quality sleep per night. Also try to drink at least 60 ounces of water per day. Begin cutting all simple sugars and processed carbohydrates out of your diet.

4. Do a morning fitness jumpstart: Down a large glass of pure water (or unsweetened green tea). Then do at least 10 minutes of refreshing exercise (fast walking is fine). Then drink a large whey protein-based shake.

5. Start focusing on quality calories. Begin eating 4-6 small meals and snacks per day based around lean proteins, good carbs, and healthy fats. Get at least 90% of your weekly calories from healthy, unprocessed foods and you don't have to worry about calories too much. Eat one large "cheat meal" per week, more if you're doing lots of intense strength training (e.g. heavy weightlifting).

6. Do efficient exercise. Do a short, higher-intensity full-body strength/resistance training workout at least 3 times a week. Also do some form of steady-state or interval-based cardio exercise at least twice a week (but only as a "supplement" to your total-body strength training). This is in addition to your 10-20 minutes of morning exercise.

7. Take the best, most-effective fat loss support supplements: whey protein powder, a good multivitamin, omega 3 fats, and possibly a natural energy booster based around green tea extract.

There you go: the 7 simple, powerful, and 100% proven steps to losing 10 pounds fast. If you stick to them closely you could lose several pounds of pure body fat, add some sexy lean muscle tissue, and dramatically improve the way your body looks in a matter of a few weeks. Best of all, you can use these techniques to "jumpstart" yourself on a long-term healthy weight loss and fitness program!

Related info:

How To Lose Ten Pounds Fast

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